Rambler's Top100
Active and extreme tourism. A unique phenomenon of a nature.

The Cave "Optimistic" - the gypsum giant.

The First cave on the continent and the second in the world on extent of a labyrinth. The biggest and one of most beautiful of gypsum caves.
For today mark on a map it is mark 212 kilometers underground passages!

On a site:
About caves - the common information about caves, an origin, caves-champions
Location - the brief geographical characteristic of Podolia, a map of Ukraine, a location of the cave Optimistic.
History of discovery
- whom and when the cave was discovery, a history of the exploration, expeditions
The description of the cave - the brief description of areas of the cave, an origin of cavities
Map-scheme - the scheme of passage some areas of the cave Optimistic,
Speleotour - research of the cave Optimistic. Visiting in structure of expeditions. The organization of expeditions.Speleotourizm.
address,e-mail - contact with us.
Photogallery - photos

Tourism has opened eyes on miracles of this world to millions, carrying away to oustanding and unique places of the planet.
One of such surprising places, undoubtedly, is the cave "Optimistic", located in Ukraine and attract in itself attention of cave explorers of all the world. Open in 1966 group
The Lvov cave explorers, today she takes the second place in the world on
extents of a labyrinth and the first on extent among
gypsum caves.
By condition on the end of 2001 on a map it is mark 212 kms of underground passages. According to experts it makes only 30-40 % prospective are long.
Each area of the cave is surprising.
From ordinary-looking corridors get into the beautiful areas. The walls of galleries, halls coat multi-coloured crystals of
From small, like a hoarfrost, up to huge, about meter. Ideally white, transparent, with pink, brown, black tintes they play light of lanterns all colors of a rainbow.
Beautiful coloring of the walls polished with water, underground lakes - for ever remain in memory.
Skilled cave explorers, who have devoted the most part of his life to research Optimistic will provide safety of travel, will help to overcome difficulties of movement in the cave, will make
travel by an interesting and fascinating, kept in mind adventure.
On a photo(from the top downward): Vaults of an arch tintes the diversified crystals; the layer of calcareous; the monument of V.Vysotskiy in samenames gallery; the huge monolithic crystal of
gypsum in the rock; rest in the underground base camp; "plafond".

Main page | About caves |Location | History of discovery |The description of the cave |Speleotour |Map-scheme |Photogallery |address,e-mail
The Fund of Support Scientific and Creative Initiatives.
p.b.9655, t. Lviv, 79035, Ukraine
t.(0322) 40-46-24
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